Ok, now im not sure if you are familiar with dandeelions, but there a sort of weed type plant that grows really all over the world. If you from the "hood" you know exactly what i'm talking bout. there the little plants that grows like right in the middle of the side between the cracks in the ground. Growing up where im from those are the only plants/flowers you can get with out paying for and growing them yourself. i remeber we would go to the park and those are mostly what would stick out above the grass, we would pick as many as we could and take it to school the next day for the 2nd grade crush. or if moms wasnt feeling to good that day she deserved so freshly hand picked flowers,

or if they looked like this the urban myth was make a wish if you blow off all the angel hairs your wish a come true. but if you ask any planter gardener flourist its a weed so get rid of it quik. well i looked into just a lil bit more and look what this lil ol weed found mainley in urban america or in dry spots over the world......
Dandelions are especially well-adapted to a modern world of "disturbed habitats," such as lawns and sunny, open places. They were even introduced into the Midwest from Europe to provide food for the imported honeybees in early spring. They now grow virtually worldwide. Dandelions spread further, are more difficult to exterminate, and grow under more under adverse circumstances than most competitors
Unless you remove it completely, it will regenerate. If you break off more pieces than you unearth, the dandelion wins. "What's a dandelion digger for?" a dandelion asked.
"Itís a human invention to help us reproduce," another dandelion replied
The leaves are more nutritious than anything you can buy. They're higher in beta-carotene than carrots. The iron and calcium content is phenomenal, greater than spinach. You also get vitamins B-1, B-2, B-5, B-6, B-12, C, E, P, and D, biotin, inositol, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc by using a tasty, free vegetable that grows on virtually every lawn. The root contains the sugar inulin, plus many medicinal substances. supposed to strengthen the entire body, especially the liver and gallbladder ...
but do be advised its a few side effects, and a lot more to look up on. i just found it hella cool loving them so much growing up. just to be told they were weeds and didnt belong to find this out. lol maybe i'm thinking to much.
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